Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Brookes Library


Hello fellow readers! I'm going to explain to you how you can use the Oxford Brookes online library system to help you find sources for your work!

First you would want to head to this website which I've linked → https://www.brookes.ac.uk/library/  This will take you to the Brookes online library page.                                                        
Then just scroll down the page until you reach a search bar that looks as such:

As you can see it has different sections on it such as e-books and journals, if you leave it on Library search it will give a general range of options. For example if you type in English literature and then press enter it will take us to a different site. Click any book which says 'Available'.

This is the book I've chosen. The numbers you see at the bottom of the picture isn't gibberish but is part of a system called 'The Dewey Decimal System'. This is a numbering system to help put books into different groups based off their subjects, so the 8 in 820.9 is part of the Literature and writing which is in the 800's. The system starts from 000 all the way to the 900's. 

You then go to floor level on the campus which hold books from the 800's and follow the numbering system till you find it.
The librarian has even created a system which will help you find academic sources. It's known as Subject Help and is found on the bottom right corner of the page. It helps you find any source which Oxford Brookes offers

I hope this helped you guys with the search for sources!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

JHB and Celrici



Environmental buildings are now becoming part of our future. After recently joining Oxford Brookes University I was able to see the beautiful architecture of each building. Which I believe is very important as it shows us how the university finds pride in its outward appearance . It does not only do that but also shows an environmental consideration they took into account. Today I'm only going to talk about two of the buildings which are the John Henry Building (JHB) and the Clerici.


I personally really admired the glass that hung from the ceiling in the forum. It has a really beautiful shade of blue which attracts your eye.

It also has a large forum for students to sit in any of the tables or sofa to do their work, have a quick meal or both.

Another great thing is the environment friendliness that it has, such as the green roof which controls the flow of water and absorbs it (Building sustainability, n.d.).
Solar panels are also part of the sustainability for this buildings which supplies electricity to the building while also reduces 4% of the carbon emissions in the building (Building sustainability, n.d.).


This building is much smaller than the stairs towers above the study table, it’s a small annoyance but still manages to push my buttons.  How does one sit comfortably at the end of this table with ceiling right above you?

 This building does have environmental friendless such as JHB which is automatic window that opens from time to time.

Hope you found this post to be beneficial!


Building sustainability, https://www.brookes.ac.uk/space-to-think/building-sustainability/